
Stress Awareness Month

stress month

Stress Awareness Month is an annual designation observed in April. Everyone feels stressed from time to time, especially as we get older and the responsibilities really pile onto our plate. The thing about stress is, a little bit of it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but too much of it can be detrimental to our emotional and physical health. Learning to find that healthy balance is the best way to live a productive, happy life.

A small amount of stress once in a while is a good thing, because it means you’re working hard and you care about what you’re doing. If you were never stressed, that would probably mean you’re living a tired lifestyle without a whole lot of work involved. However, too much stress doesn’t allow us to think straight, and is overbearing and counterproductive. Prolonged stress even leads to real physical problems and can cause strokes, IBS, ulcers, diabetes, muscle and joint pain, miscarriages, and many more.

This month, recognize the difference between good and bad stress and try to find your happy place within the madness.

Ways to relieve stress:

  1. Exercise. You’ve probably heard this one before, and even though it’s probably not exactly what you want to do when you’re feeling stressed, exercising gets endorphins pumping through your brain, which triggers a happy feeling. Exercise lowers your body’s stress hormones like cortisol, and releases chemicals that make you feel more at peace.
  2. Think about taking natural supplements to help you feel more at ease. Natural remedies like lemon balm, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, and essential oils are very helpful.
  3. Light a candle or turn on the oil diffusers, put on some soft, soothing music and dim the lights. Take a deep breath and count your blessings.
  4. Caffeine intake reduction can help because caffeine tends to make us jittery, which can cause stress and anxiety.
  5. Spend time laughing with friends and family. Let yourself have a good time and get your mind off the busyness of the real world.
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